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Home > PFD/MFD Dealer Support > EX5000 MFD (Dealer) > MFD Configuration - port conflict
MFD Configuration - port conflict
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What to do when getting a port conflict during the MFD configuration:

1 - Confirm the port settings (manufacturing settings (Piper, Cirrus, etc.), recorded settings taken prior to updating the unit)

2 - Select the senor with the incorrect setting

3 - Change setting to the correct port

4 - Save

5 - Check System Info - Conflict resolved? - continue to the next step, not resolved; go back to step 1

6 - Power cycle the MFD

For Radar equipped aircraft - How to update port selection - when conflicts arise:

1 - Confirm the port settings (manufacturing settings (Piper, etc.), recorded settings taken prior to updating the unit)

2 - Select the senor with the incorrect setting; if Radar port is set incorrectly, continue with step 3. Otherwise, select the correct sensor setting and update as needed.

3 - Make Radar 'not installed'

4 - Save

5 - Power cycle the MFD

6- Go into Maintenance Mode

7 - Select Radar

8 - Make the correct radar selection and port selection

9 - Save

10 - Check System Info - Conflicts - Start over - no conflicts - continue to 11

11 - Power cycle the MFD

12 - Go into Maintenance Mode

13 - Select Radar

14 - Select the correct settings for the Radar setup

15 - Save

16 - Check System Info

17 - Power Cycle the MFD


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