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Home > General Dealer Tech Support (Other) > Requesting Avidyne Technical Support
Requesting Avidyne Technical Support
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Getting through to Avidyne Tech Support via email is the most efficient way.  Getting through on the phone can sometimes be hit or miss, as we have a limited number of reps, and a limited number of phones.


Sending an email to [email protected] will generate a trouble ticket for you, which will get assigned to one of our reps upon receipt.  Keep in mind that the more information you provide in the email, the easier it is to address your issue in a timely manner.  Below are a list of items to consider including in your correspondence with Tech Support, which will help us assist you more effectively.


1. Put the name of the product you are contacting us about in the subject line of your email.  For example; IFD; DFC90; PFD; etc...  This information will ensure your trouble ticket automatically gets assigned to the rep, or group of reps, best suited to address your issue.


2.  Identify yourself in the email as either; A) The aircraft owner/operator/pilot; B) The installing avionics shop or technician; It is important for us to understand who we are corresponding with.


3.  If you are the aircraft owner/operator/pilot, please include information about the avionics shop/installer that you generally work with, or plan to work with in resolving your issue.


4.  If your issue is likely to require an avionics shop or at a minimum an A&P to perform work, please begin with them, and have them reach out to Tech Support for assistance.  Often times end users will begin an inquiry with Tech Support, only to find they need to get a certified avionics shop or Avidyne Dealer involved, at which point the troubleshooting process begins again from the beginning.  You can save yourself, and us some time in cases where it's fairly obvious that deeper troubleshooting will be required, if your initial point of contact is either the installing shop or the avionics tech you plan to have perform the work.


5.  Provide as much information as possible as to what the issue is, when and under what conditions the issue was discovered, what steps if any have already been taken in troubleshooting the issue.


6.  If the unit you are having issues with is capable of data logging, please download the data logs and include them with the inquiry.  More often than not, tech support will ask you for the data logs off the affected unit.  You can save some time by having those in advance and attaching them (or a link to them) in the initial contact with Avidyne.


7.  In modern avionics installations many issues arise from interfaces between different avionics companies.  For instance you may have an Avidyne IFD driving a Garmin indicator, as well as a Bendix King autopilot.  When reaching out to tech support, please also include a list of all of the equipment connected to the Avidyne unit you are inquiring about.


8.  Lastly, please provide what software level the Avidyne unit you are inquiring about is currently running.


Providing as much of the information above as possible during your first contact with Tech Support will assist us in being able to help resolve your issue as quickly as possible.  


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