Trend monitoring is done through the DB9 connector under the Co-Pilots Instrument Panel. Shops need to obtain the software from the engine company/Piper Aircraft. The MFD USB port is not used for the engine data download on the Piper Meridian. All of the Engine Data is stored in the S-Tec/Meggitt/Genesys DAU (Data…
The PA46-500TP has 2-DAUs (Data Acquisition Units. One being a Mini found in the aft section of the aircraft on the top shelf see the attachments for the location and the schematics. ***issues with either or both, contact Genesis for the large DAU and Radiant Power for the mini-DAU*** The Mini DAU provides the Elec…
Piper PA46-350: "TIME","LAT","LON","PALT","TIT","C1","C2","C3","C4","C5","C6","OILT","OILP","RPM","OAT","MAP","FF","USED","AMP1","AMP2","AMPB","VOLTS","FQL","FQR","VAC","WOW PA46-500TP does not use EMax (Engine Data), shops access the engine data via the DB9 connection, as the engine data is in the Aztec/Meggitt DA…