Nov 25, 2019
The Following Interface Information is "FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY" and is not FAA Approved Data. Please see the applicable STC Installation manuals, or other Approved documentation for installation approval.
The NGT9000/IFD5xx/4xx interface FAA Approved Data can be found in the NGT9000 STC Installation Manual. The following is for reference use only.
- The NGT9000 has it's own built in internal GPS, the the IFD does not provide certifying GPS position to the NGT9000 for ADS-B Out purposes. Reference the NGT9000 Installation Manual for further information.
- The IFD will take in ADS-B Traffic and FIS-B Weather data from the NGT9000 RS422 Negative Channel. The positive line should be grounded.
- The IFD will read this negative RS422 data as an RS232 input.
- IFD's at software version are limited to using the "Capstone Trfc & Wx" which operates at a Baud Rate of 38,400 bps.
- IFD's at software version or later can utilize either "Capstone Trfc & Wx" @ 38,400 bps, or "Capstone HS Trfc & Wx" @ 115,200 bps.
- IFD RS232 port 2 is used in the example above, however you can use any available RS232 port on the IFD.
- If using IFD RS232 port 3, it is not recommended to use the "Capstone Trfc & Wx" @ 38,400 bps, as port 3 is generally reserved for cross sync in dual IFD installations, and the 38,400 baud rate can "confuse" the IFD during boot up.
- NGT9000 Lynx Install Manuals are accessible via L3: create an account to access the latest versions.