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Home > IFD5xx/4xx Dealer Support > Software Updates > Features, Changes and Improvements Features, Changes and Improvements
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Here's a list of the enhancements with R10.2.4.1:

To update the software you can do so by contacting your local Avidyne dealer and locate one here:



Improvements include:
·       Reduced nuisance datalink alerts
·       Add password protection option to maintenance mode
·       Reformatted main system config page in maintenance mode
·       Allow configurations with both AXP340 and AXP322
·       Improved transponder control from the datablock
·       Added user option to disable WiFi ADS-B output
·       Improved fuel range ring depiction
·       Changed demo mode to always enable Capstone configurationBug Fixes:
·       Fixed error when inserting an approach prior to an active destination
·       Allow lightning to be displayed with AviatorLT subscription with XMD076
·       Fixed issue when using same com port for input at one baudrate and output ad a different rate.
·       Fixed issue caused by rubber banding with different databases
·       Fixed com presets button on BT keyboard
·       Inhibited Datalink page when no datalink sensor is configured


To check your current software level:



The “Status” LSK is a multiple state LSK that provides access to software status page, weather datalink status page (if datalink is installed and properly configured), GPS status page, and the IFD databases status page.  Pushing the adjacent bezel key or touching the label soft key will cycle through the various status pages. 


Software Status Page 
The “Software” selection will present the top level software part number information and some system-level parameters which can be useful during service calls and IFD feature descriptions. 




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