This article addresses the need to turn off all units connected to the Suppression Buss, [TAS/DME] while performing a Transponder Bi-Annual Test & Inspection, FAR 91.413 The Transponder under test will FAIL the performance specs observed on the Test Set due to its operation being suppressed by any system operating…
IFD Interfaced with TAS; TAS-A; Skytrax6xx Traffic Systems Troubleshooting ADS-B Traffic Systems Connected to IFD RS232 Config Page
When interfacing a TAS-6xx Active Traffic to Garmin GTX-345 ADS-B IN Transponder to Blend into the Traffic Picture, the existing "NO Avidyne DISPLAY" GRD jumper, J1-15, needs to be REMOVED. The Garmin GTX-345 emulates the RS-232 Control Data of an original Avidyne ATI-150, 1/2 3ATI Indicator/Controller. This is esp…