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Home > Skytrax 100B Dealer Support > Skytrax-100B Restart Sequence
Skytrax-100B Restart Sequence
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This article is to address the Restart Sequence required upon the completion of the configuration procedure. 


Please refer to the Configuration and Verification Interface, Sec 3.7.6 of the Skytrax-100B Installation Manual, P/N 600-00335-000 as a reference to the Skytrax-100B set-up procedures.


Upon the completion of the initial “CONFIG” configuration set-up, the Skytrax-100B will advise that the configuration settings changes will take effect after the unit is restarted.



Type “quit” and perform a “HARD” Power Cycle to accomplish this task.


Due to the improved Capacitors within the power supply circuit, the unit needs to remain off for at least a full minute to allow sufficient time for the capacitors to fully discharge.


Upon completion of the “HARD” Power Cycle, Re-enter the Configuration setting and Type….





If any of the “Failures” are TRUE… especially the Receiver failure:  Re-perform HARD Power Cycle.

It may take as many as three (3) HARD Power Cycles for the Failures to clear.


If you have any question please contact Techsupport at:

 [email protected]


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