This article is to address the Restart Sequence required upon the completion of the configuration procedure. Please refer to the Configuration and Verification Interface, Sec 3.7.6 of the Skytrax-100B Installation Manual, P/N 600-00335-000 as a reference to the Skytrax-100B set-up procedures. Upon the completio…
The Skytrax100B does not come with the USB to USB-C cable, these cables can be purchased from Amazon.
For drivers and additional information on the connecting to the ST100B or ST200 with Windows 10, check out the article: Skytrax 100B and SkyTrax 200 Device Drivers
Refer to the service bulletin (SB) for all details on updating the ST100B to the ST200; field upgrade. The SB, and the software, is loaded on the dealers site. When downloading the ST200 software, never change any of the file names (noted in the SB), download to the desktop, and not a sub-folder. Verify the file n…
The Skytrax-100B REQUIRES an Altitude Input, even when being used for Weather Data use only. The Altitude Input may be RS-232 or Arinc 429 data format. Even when the "ADS-B" Setting is set to "OFF" the Skytrax-100B will FLAG Itself as INVALID and indicate a RED Led indication without a Valid Altitude Input. This…