IFDs with GFC500 Autopilots Currently, here is the list of IFD interfaces with EFIS systems and GFC500: 1. IFD + Aspen EFD/MAX + GFC500 2. IFD + Garmin G3X + GFC500 3. IFD + Garmin GI275 + GFC500 4. Issues identified in some IFD + Garmin G5 + GFC500 installations are being addressed in software release…
When an IFD is interfaced with an Aspen, if it has an ACU installed and NOT an ACU 2 , then the labels for air data are stripped out: To get around that, you will need to bypass the ACU with additional wiring to the IFD per their installation manual:
The RDR 2000 system can be configured at installation to include the Target Alert feature (Configuration Module CM2000 must be configured properly). The purpose of the feature is to alert the pilot to the presence of a significant weather cell that exists beyond the currently selected range. For this mode to be activ…
RADAR CONFIGURATION PAGE: Select Radar Model Type Select LIO number Based on IFD Unit ID #1 or #2. Max range, Scan arc, beam width, and 429 stabilization will be unique to the installation. Notes: 1. If the LIO number does not match the IFD Unit ID you will not be able to calibrate the Radar. 2. If you have…
Troubleshooting Fuel flow Interfaces RS232 Config Page
Troubleshooting Fuel Flow Systems RS232 Config Page
Troubleshooting Fuel flow Systems RS232 Config Page
Troubleshooting Fuel flow Systems RS232 Config Page
IFD Interfaced with Garmin GTS8xx
Click Here For JPI/EDM Series Fuel Flow Devices Click Here For JPI FS-450 Click Here For Electronics International FP-5L Click Here For Insight G Series Fuel flow Devices Click Here For Shadin DigiData Click Here For Shadin Digiflo Click Here For Shadin MiniFlo Click Here for Shadin FADC